26 weeks
Ezra met his first friend younger and smaller than him! We went over to visit a friend with a 4 week old, and it was pretty cute to see Ez process such a little human being. And for Mommy to think it wasn't but a few months ago, Ezra himself was that size!
27 weeks
Ezra began his food journey this week. We kicked it off with eggs, followed with bananas and avocado. Every new food is met with a grimace and a shudder, before polishing it all off with eagerness. We continue with the same nursing cycle but now just with the addition of food at dinner, and sometimes lunch. I also celebrated my first Mother's Day this week, commemorated with flowers, waffles, and a coffee gift card...every momma's dream ;)
28 weeks
We enjoyed a visit from Nate's friend of 20 years, and Ezra was able to meet Tito (Uncle) Marlo during his stay. Ezra is enjoying sweet potatoes this week and continues to be an enthusiastic participant at the dinner table. Ezra is starting to work to get into crawling position. He is certainly gaining strength.
29 weeks
This week Ezra has been introduced to meat, and boy is he a fan, he laps that up with gusto. We also encountered Ezra's first fear. While attending the local heritage museums 30th anniversary festivities we found, perhaps due to the late hour in Ezra's world, he melted down at the sound of applause, and connected it further the following day when he attended a ladies tea at the church (this kid gets around) and there was clapping following a small game. Ezra again, lost his cool. I'm happy to report a few days later when he was with us at a school assembly and the kids clapped, his initial look of concern faded with each applause that followed.
30 weeks
Ezra has acquired two assistants for the eating of food. His bottom two teeth are now in and (sometimes) visible. It is so hard to see in there on the bottom row! We felt the little bumpy ridge last week, but now we are catching glimpses of those little pearly whites. Grandma and Grandpa Wiebe are also here to visit and usher in the 7 month milestone. Ezra has been erratic today with his happy to crying cycle, so we think the little guy has a few more teeth soon to be working their way out. Mirror play has become a real favourite this week with Ezra laughing at his reflection and playing with that cute baby across from him. The little guy has also moved to joining us at the table for 3 meals most days. He also can hold himself up for a few seconds in crawling position, but still seems content for the most part playing sitting up on the floor.