Monday, April 11, 2011

The Wonderful World of Fasting

Monday has rolled around again after weekend full of activities. 

Birthday party
School of Theology banquet
Visit with a friend
Motorcycle ride <---First one of the season!
Visit with Dad
Church Budget meeting

Nate and I decided we would both fast for Lent this year.  Both of us have done similar things in the year to two before, but I would say overall it's relatively new for us. 

This year Nate has given up coffee, and if you know Nate you know this is a significant loss.  I am doing a water fast.  So all beverages have been eliminated other than water.  I have to admit around week 3 the desire for something other than water hit me strong.  But we have persisted.  Nate has placed his coffee grinder out of site and I keep the Brita water pitcher on speed dial.  And it never fails to amuse me that Nate asks me what I want to drink for dinner every night.

Saturday at the banquet we attended we sat at a table with one of Nate's professors and her husband who nonchalantly threw out there that she was taking her "day of rest" early and instead of taking her break from Lent the next day she decided, due to the occasion she would take it Saturday instead. 

Nate and I both looked at each other and then back to her. 
"What did you say?"

She proceeded to explain that yes, for the 40 days of Lent you can actually take Sunday's off.  That's how you get the 40 days of Lent between Ash Wednesday and Easter.  If you didn't take the day off you get 46 days. 

I then took Nate's glass of sparkling red grape juice and drank heartily.  Yum!  Lent is so much better when I have all the rules!

Nate has also thrown in some extra fasts for himself.  A fasting fanatic I call him.  This week I've decided to join him in a TV fast.  And as you might notice the beginning and end of the weekend was capped off with movies, I did get clarification that movies are included in the TV category.  Just checking. 

So while I would normally be watching Ellen on my lunch break right now, today I write about fasting. 

But fasting is not so bad now.

Now that I have Sunday's off.


  1. Okay, this is awesome. I love your thoughts and your words, as usual. My favorite quote: " Lent is so much better when I have all the rules!" Bless you, friend.

  2. Thanks, Lana. I appreciate the words of affirmation!


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