Monday, August 29, 2011


Today marks the beginning of our last year of seminary!  Well...obviously Nate is the only student in our household, but since I'm along for the ride I call it "our".

I tried to talk Nate into letting me take a picture of him with his backpack to document his first day back to school, and he laughed...but didn't make any move to put that backpack on.  All the cool kids have their pictures posted online, but I guess he didn't want to join their ranks.  So you will just have to use your imagination and put together the details: a blue backpack, cargo shorts, a big dimply smile.  SO CUTE!  

And just like every school year, change is part of every new semester.  There are similar patterns and routines, but new class schedules and people to meet as well.  And this school year will be especially exciting as we explore what we will do after Nate graduates.  Whatever that might be, I know it will be an incredible time of growth in our marriage.  After all, we met, dated, and married all while Nate has been doing his schooling.  We will have to explore our new roles and expectations as we will both (hopefully!) be working full time and Nate will be looking to enter full time ministry at a church.

No matter what, we know will be moving next summer as we've been living in student housing.  So when there is no more student status = no more housing.  But that's also pretty exciting!  I've historically given my family and friends plenty opportunities to show how much they love me by patiently moving me from one place to the next.  I think there was a stretch of about 2 years that I moved 3-4 times.  It's somewhat amazing that Dad showed up with his truck every time to do the heavy lifting.  That's love!  So knowing that we will be moving from our apartment a year from now....I've already found myself intently pouring over IKEA catalogs and misc. magazines that hit our doorstep wondering what fun ideas I might try in our next place.  I have to keep slapping my hands from longingly stroking the page with the beautiful back porch with a hanging swing, and tell myself "No!  You have no idea if you will even have a back patio! Don't get any ideas..."

But these internal conversations tell me that Nate is not the only one who will be suffering from senioritis this year.  I'm already displaying symptoms myself.