Well... today was a big day.
Nate has graduated and we had celebrations this weekend.
Today, Nate is flying to Berlin and I'm looking around the apartment making a game plan to be moved out in 3 weeks. We have done a lot all ready.
We have loved our home here and feel grateful for this apartment for the last two years. This apartment holds the memories of many enjoyable times with friends and family. Our first home together. It has heard great laughter and seen several tears from us over the last few years.
Nate, sadly, had his last night here last night and won't be back to this apartment.
I will have us moved completely out by the end of the month before flying to Prague to begin our next adventure: Europe. My favorite part of the next chapter is that we will be back together again.
I will miss Nate so much over the next few weeks, but do look forward to getting in visits with friends and family during this time. I plan to make the most of it!
And...we plan to both read Forgotten God over the next weeks. It will be nice to have a sense of being connected and sharing a similar experience through reading.
I'm not sure if this time should be considered the beginning or the end....either way it's lots of change.
Lord, help us!