Monday, July 9, 2012

Fast Forward....

Apologies for dropping the ball on the second half of our European trip.  We were too tired and busy for adding the blog to the to do list.
Here is the short version of what happened.

We picked up the rental car as we left Paris and drove up the coast staying in Dieppe, Amsterdam, and then worked our way into Denmark and Sweden before driving south through Germany, crossing back into Austria (staying near Saltzburg this time) and then we spent our last few days in Davos, Switzerland.  It was amazing and exhausting.  We especially loved our time in Sweden and Switzerland for that reason because they were great breaks from the city and much more laid back.

Now we have been back for a week.
We stayed with good friends Jon and Holly in Anderson and were able to connect with other friends and continue to ship boxes to Guam.  Now we are in Phase 2 and are in my hometown and look forward to visiting with family and friends in the area.

This is certainly the difficult time of our summer, there are still fun times and great moments but they are often tempered with tears and sadness.  Certainly processing through such a large life change takes lots of energy and we are thankful to have more chances for rest in my hometown.

Keep praying during this time of transition.

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