Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Well, I'm nearing a month of my chair renovation!

I thought I would be farther along at this point but alas, life has gotten in the way.  A combination of Nate being on nights and sleeping days for a week, dog sitting a dog that doesn't like to be in a separate room for three weeks, and sorting through ...what else but more big decisions, really slows down progress!

Not to mention days being wasted by using an environmentally friendly wood stain stripping compound.  Totally didn't work.  I picked up the environmentally toxic alternative to use today and almost wept in relief when, almost within seconds, I was able to scrape off layers of old stain.  Sorry world, I'll never go back to environmentally friendly in this department.

Knowing this, it gives me more energy to face the rest of pieces of wood that I still need attention before I can re-stain, re-assemble, and move onto the reupholstering!

This is the last picture I have of the chair before I knocked it completely apart joint-by-joint so I can re-glue it:

I really hope this story has no resemblance to Humpty Dumpty and it all comes back together again!

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