Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Traditions

I just celebrated my second ever Canadian Thanksgiving, right here in good old Canada.  It has a way of sneaking up on you when the date and month doesn't ring any bell when I'm thinking "holiday."  When I think October, I still think Halloween.  But I'm still growing accustomed to also thinking of Thanksgiving and October in the same sentence.

In Canada, Thanksgiving has been held on the second Monday of the month of October since 1957.  It was celebrated prior to 1957 as well, but the date varied from year to year.  Like in the USA, Thanksgiving in Canada is a time to celebrate a season of harvest and plentiful food!

This year there was the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, rolls, and pumpkin pie for dessert... along with the traditional belly aches and regret afterwards!

The level of anticipation and planning doesn't match that of the States, but the general idea is the same.  I don't mind the additional breathing room created by the extra month that separates Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it will be easy for me to remember and be thinking of my American friends and family gearing up for their celebrations in another month.

Wishing you all the space and mindset to be thankful, no matter what time of the year.

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