Friday, January 10, 2014

Keep Calm and Immigrate On

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and it's at least 2 degrees outside.  We are in the middle of a heat wave today.  Nate has taken to walking to work in the milder temperatures the last few days.  And we continue to make plans for the future.

Our short term rental has been great for us to get our bearings here, and get things switched over from Ontario (my Alberta drivers license should be in the mail!)  Next week we sign up for Alberta healthcare and we just received our benefit cards from Nate's work.  It feels good to be getting established.

As we've sifted through options  for more permanent housing solutions including meeting with a mortgage broker to discuss options, and we have concluded that we both feel more comfortable finding a longer term house rental to allow us space to create more margin in our lives.

So today we looking at house for rent in the area.

The most exciting news on top of all these other things is a breakthrough in my work status and permanent residency.

I was allowed to apply for and was granted in a few short days, an open work permit.  This allows me to work anywhere in Canada doing any work I want.  It's not restricted to jobs related to my educational background etc.  So the resume's are flowing, and I'm hoping to find a good fit soon.

Just a week or two following this exciting news, I received a letter stating the processing of my permanent resident application is now complete!  We are now simply waiting to hear from the Edmonton immigration office to be in touch and let me know when I need to come up with my original documentation...passport and so on.  And that should be the final step or darn near close!

These changes make the world seem larger again.  The possibilities of travel open up again.
Perhaps that is why the sun is shining, and the birds are chirping...the world can't help but celebrate with me.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, this is SO exciting! I can't believe you are sharing ALL of this good news at once! We're excited for you guys to find a long-term rental situation and to finally settle in, with you working as you feel led and Nate doing what he is led to do. God is good!


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