Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Trying to Keep Up!

As you know, I'm now a permanent resident.  3 weeks old.

Since then I've also found and started work with a local organization working to support adults with developmental disabilities.

This triggered the need to become a two car family.  Welcome to the family Meika the Mazda 3.  You are beautiful on the inside and out.

And then we did what we do best.  Moved.  Again.
I promise it is not something we really enjoy doing, but it's just the way things worked out as we were new to the community and just signed a short term 3 month lease on a house that was on the market to sell, in order to get to town and get our bearings.  So as we began to near the 3 month mark it seemed we would have the option to extend by the month or perhaps 3 months but we were both interested in finding a more permanent solution and move out on our terms.

Kijiji (Craigslist equivalent) came through again and I was able to find a great home to afford us great savings and not really sacrifice any space.  So this past weekend we took the plunge and thanks to the help of many at the church, we were able to knock out this move in record speed.  Lunch was even taken care of which was soooo helpful to be able to feed everyone in thanks for their help.  Not to mention I had been battling a cold all week and it seemed to be persistent in making me feel the worst this past Saturday and Sunday.  Not ideal moving conditions but you can't really call off moving for those reasons!  Here are a few pictures of the only completed room:  The bathroom.  I promise as other rooms come together I will share those as well.  The house has some fun retro features.

However, Monday dawned sunny and bright and I felt the best I had in many days!  We decided to take advantage of the holiday (Family Day) by taking a road trip towards the mountains.  We jumped in the Mazda, grabbed our morning Tim Horton's coffee, and were leaving town by 8am.  We drove as far west as Nordegg exploring and taking in the views before stopping at a small lodge that served lunch.  With our bellies satisfied we began making our way to Red Deer.  Once there we caught a movie The Monument Men, and then dinner before making our way back home.  We found ourselves tired and content after our adventures of the day.  I can't say that I mind living just a few hours from the mountains!

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