Thursday, June 18, 2015


I'm 20 weeks along in my pregnancy now.

Tonight it hit me that this is the halfway point.  Crazy!  It's gone by quickly.  Perhaps it's because I've had a very smooth journey up to now.  When everyone is asking how I am, I almost sheepishly respond with "just fine"!  I really haven't felt much different from when I wasn't pregnant.  I was very fortunate to pass on the common 1st trimester sickness woes.

Only in the last few weeks, have I begun to feel pregnant with the appearance of the baby bump and the unfortunate increase in trips to the washroom.

I have also been so supported by the women around me who are done with, currently not using, or gifted (thanks Mom) maternity clothes that I haven't needed to purchase a single thing with the exception of picking up a belly band so I can continue to wear my pants in comfort for a while longer.

Word has made its way around at work, that I am pregnant and I am now experiencing the odd phenomenon of coworkers and clients looking more at my stomach then my face when passing by.  Understandable. I'm sure I've done it plenty of times myself, but its strange to experience it first hand.

In just over a week we have our anatomy ultrasound in which we will also plan to find out the sex of the baby.  I think that will also make it feel real in a whole new way as well.  We've found we are quite the anomaly as we plan to find out the sex, from what seems to be the norm here: waiting until the birth to find out.

It's pretty amazing to think that baby is listening now and can hear my/our voices and what's happening around us.  I think that might be one of the most exciting milestones so far.  In the last week I feel different sensations/movements, and assume that is the baby making itself known.

I joke around with Nate that we are fortunate to have divided up mealtime duties as we have, me cooking and him washing the dishes, otherwise we might run out of plates to eat on.  I seem to have developed a major case of butterfingers.  When the broccoli hits the floor in meal prep it's not as big of deal as if it was a drinking glass or plate!

We will continue to learn together as we walk this journey, and now with the knowledge that the next half of the pregnancy ends with meeting baby Wiebe.

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