Ezra Douglass Wiebe is 2 weeks old today.
He arrived in our lives on October 29th weighing in at 7lbs 11oz, to which I was grateful because I knew I could actually remember that 7-11 number pairing. He measured 20.5 inches long and Nate had the honor of cutting Ezra's cord.
Nate and I were both relieved he was able to make it through the delivery and stay by my side, as he knows he can get faint from various medical scenarios. He had no issues through Ezra's birth and was a great supportive partner.
My contractions began at 5pm on Wednesday the 28th and after about 8 hours and various coping techniques and pain management attempts I asked for the epidural to be brought on after finding I was just barely past the halfway mark of dialation. So thankful for the relief it brought and ability to get some rest as Ezra still didn't arrive for another 11hours. I honestly can't imagine what I would have done without the help.
24hours after he was born, we were packing up bags to check out from the hospital. I was expecting I would want to stay longer but I was the one asking when was the soonest we could leave. The downfall of the epidural was the inability to move around, and the need to be hooked up to monitors etc. I really did feel like a patient when all I wanted to do was figure out this Mommy thing without so many nurses walking in and out of my room, being hooked up to IV, and having my blood pressure taken all night.
Recovery has been smooth from what I can tell, and what others tell me. I keep saying, I don't have any experience to compare it to, so I don't know what I should or shouldn't be feeling or doing! We have had several outings small and large. A couple of walks in the neighborhood, and day out for newborn photographs, IKEA shopping, and a short trip to Pigeon Lake to have a coffee and slice of pie. The short trips have been good experiences. The long ones make me want to never leave the house again!
Having my Mom arrive within an hour of our return home from the hospital has been amazing with another set of hands to hold, burp, and change the baby, not to mention the hours of laundry, cleaning, and miscellaneous projects she has helped with around the new house.
The church has also been absolutely astounding in their care and going far above and beyond anything we ever imagined. When we left for the hospital our belongings were still half in boxes and randomly strewn about as we needed to clear areas as the painters were still working in the house. The roof was still being put on, and life was a bit chaotic!
While we were in the hospital, people from the church were called and rallied together to come in and prepare a home for us to return to. Painters and roofers were lovingly but firmly encouraged to do what it took to get their work done before we came home with baby, and miraculously enough, they did!
We walked in the door to balloons, flowers, and a house that had been put together in our absence. Overwhelmed, would be an understatement. Through the following week meals were delivered nightly, and were of holiday celebration quality. Each night we would sit down at the table with the most amazing meals.
I can't help but to continue to think about the passage where Jesus is telling his disciples about the Father preparing a place for them. I feel we really have experienced His kingdom here on Earth lived out by our brothers and sisters in Christ, through their love and care...preparing this place for us, providing food and nourishment. It really is so humbling.
Sweet baby Ezra is entering into a large and loving church family we are privileged to be a part of.
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