Thankfully the time leading up to 9 months was so much more bearable and enjoyable than the month leading up to the 8 month mark! Ezra had a total of zero, zilch, nada new teeth this month and this made for a blissfully pleasant baby. Hooray for no teeth!
38 weeks
Ezra's mobility is finally kicking in! Just in the last few days he has now begun to army crawl. Something I had been thinking he was on the verge of months ago, but better late than never. He still loves to walk with hands held and now chooses his own course, resisting if you try to pull him past a turn he wants to make! He is also getting the swing of throwing his blocks...thankfully at the moment just straight into the floor with authority, we will be in trouble when he realizes he can send them soaring across the room.
37 weeks
This week found myself (Leslie) another year older. And so as we were still finishing up camp week, Nate took me into Red Deer for lunch at a Mexican restaurant, since they are hard to come by in Alberta, and we had a little respite from the little man as a friend had him over to their trailer for the afternoon. A double win. I received a Vermeer print, and even a birthday cake made by a friend who made arrangements for it's transport since they ended up not being able to make it to camp. So Nate and I enjoyed the company of friends, campfire, and birthday cake after Ezra was down for the night. A great birthday indeed.
36 weeks
Ezra had his first taste of camping this week. We borrowed a friends trailer and spend a good portion of a week out at family camp for the Church of God in Western Canada. The week was damp but not a complete wash out. Overall, Ezra did great in the new environment. We crafted his own "room" by handing sheets between trailer cupboards and Ezra could sleep in his pack and play without visual distraction, and the loud fan we could turn on was a dream to drown out and additional inside or outside noise.
35 weeks
Clapping is all the rage now with Ezra! And we think it's pretty cute, too. It really is interesting how one day they can't do something and the next, they have figured it out. A friend from church started showing Ezra how to step, why didn't I think of that?! I suppose I figured, crawling first and once that happens we can work on the next thing. However, Ezra loved taking steps, and now we continue to let him enjoy that at home.
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