Monday, January 4, 2016

2 months

Ezra has been changing so quickly in the last month.

5 weeks
Ezra is becoming more and more alert and soaking in his environment.  He has had a night with up to 7.5 hours between feeds.  Mommy and Daddy have finally found a way to bath Ezra without him screaming the whole time and boy, is it a relief.  Nate wraps him in a thin blanket and dips Ezra into his bathwater and holds him in the blanket while I wash sections at a time...Keeping him both warm and secure during his bath.

6 weeks
Grandma taking a diaper change shift!
Ezra upgraded to his crib full time this week.  After a night or two doing half nights in his crib and the other half in the bassinet, the extra peace and quiet of not hearing the little baby grunts and stirring in the night won us over completely!  After all we do love as much undisturbed sleep as possible.
Grandpa and Grandma Wiebe arrived for a visit and immediately took to the task of getting to know Ezra.  He is becoming more and more delightful, engaging us with smiles when we least expect it.  We are establishing the pattern of eat, play, sleep in a 3 hour cycle patterned after the "Baby Wise" methods.  And it's as helpful to me in knowing what to expect from the day as it is for Ezra.

7 weeks
Waiting for the doctor for 2 month check up

Playing with Grandpa
Grandpa has the gift of play and enjoys showing Ezra new ways to play and interact with his environment.  This week with some positioning help from Grandpa, Ezra discovered he could kick the bars of his play mat and make his toys shake and he LOVES this now.  Ezra had his check up at the doctor and is doing great.  He weighs in at 12lbs now and had a good check over from Dr. V.  He did protest his physical by crying and peeing on the doctors table but it was quickly over and he was settled back into his carseat and headed home in no time.  We had Ezra's baby dedication on Sunday and it was a special time for us and the church.

Christmas morning

8 weeks
Ezra's first Christmas was spent celebrating at home.  Gifts were opened in the morning and 4pm meal shared with us, Grandma and Grandpa Wiebe, and another couple from the church without local family.
Then we packed up and headed to Kelowna just after Christmas for our first road trip with baby.  We decided to break up the trip and head out after church Sunday afternoon and drive the first 3.5 hour leg and stay over in Canmore, AB and then to finish the last 5.5 hours the next day.  Ezra did amazing.  It could've helped that he had his own personal traveling companions in the backseat to return soothers to his mouth as needed and take blankets off or put them on as the temperatures fluctuated in the vehicle to keep him at ultimate comfort sleep mode!

9 weeks
But on the way home we took the whole trip in one day leaving Kelowna at 8:30am and arriving home at 13 hours later.  Again Ezra did great.  We took the opportunities for him to stretch his legs and play when we could...the inside section of a booth tabletop at Smitty's while we had dinner etc.  Otherwise, he slept while we were in motion in the car.

I certainly look forward to seeing the many changes another month brings, but as for now we see what each day holds.

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