Ezra is chatting more than ever now, and seems to enjoy finding his voice at various times of day. He has also found his hands and has begun sucking and chewing on them...although hasn't really found his thumb to suck. He is 13 pounds 5 ounces this week
11 weeks
Ezra is starting to grasp toys when helped.
12 weeks
Ezra started sleeping through the night almost on the exact 12 week marker. at 11 weeks and 6 days he slept 7.5 hours from one feed to the next. I woke up totally disoriented at 6am after feeding him last at 10:30pm. Big boy is now enjoying being held up in sitting position and sitting briefly in his Bumbo chair...he is unsure of this contraption still but puts up with it for a while some days while protesting immediately on other days. But when we hold him up or stand him up he enjoys it. He is also very much enjoying bouncing on Daddy's knee.
Mom and Ezra also survived Ezra's first real stretch of not feeling well. For about 2.5 days he pretty much cried and screamed while he was awake during the day. His regular schedule of naps went out the window, sleeping 30 minutes to 1 hour max during the day. A normal day would see him sleeping 1.5-2 hours during his nap times. It seemed like stomach issues but I'm still unsure what caused it. So Mommy had lots of time with screaming baby in her ear and was incredibly thankful Ezra continued to sleep normally through the night during these days. Mommy is also has newfound respect for poor Mom's who have colicky babies. My hat goes off to you, and you all deserve special medals. As it is now, Ezra has returned to his sweet and easy disposition late in the week.
13 weeks
Mom and Dad took off for another "date night" in Edmonton. Our second since Ezra has joined the family. We had a great meal of Indian food...it had been so long! And then went to the Ice Castle in Edmonton. Ezra again did great hanging out with friends away from home for the evening, and was sleeping soundly upon our arrival to pick him up. With the absence of local family we are thankful for all the offers for babysitters, we feel fortunate to have friends to call on.
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