Tuesday, March 1, 2016

4 months

14 Weeks

This week Ezra has really found his voice...and loves the sound of it.  He can go quite a while just trying out his baby sounds and yodeling!  He also is enjoying his blankets more and more.  Instead of seeing them as swaddling traps he is enjoying chewing and sucking on them, and as we no longer swaddle him he seems to have made his peace, and even more: friends with these lovely creations!  He has also found it delightful to cough.  Anytime he coughs, he thinks it is funny.  Oh what I wouldn't give to take a peek into his little head and see what he is thinking.

15 weeks

Right around the 15 week marker, I came in one morning and found this little guy had isolated his little thumb and was sucking away.  While he loves chewing his hands/fingers, only sucking on his thumb was a first.  But in all honesty, he way prefers his whole hand shoved in his mouth to one measly little thumb.  We also experienced several nights of sleep in which Ezra slept over 9 hours.  Brief moments of remembering what it was like pre-baby.

16 weeks

Mobility alert!  Ezra is loving his practice time rolling over.  He seems to love the challenge and can focus on this task for longer periods of time each time we practice.  Simply by me anchoring one foot, Ezra is (generally) able to roll the rest of the way, and can occasionally remember how to roll to his back again.  Much to our delight, Ezra is finding his laugh this week too.  It is rare, but he has laughed 2-3 times.  He went into the doctor this week and was found to be quite a long baby 26 inches finds him in the 95th percentile for height and 16lbs and 10oz finds him at the 75th percentile for weight (which the doctor noted is normal for a baby so long to weigh more too).  So Ezra definitely acquired Daddy's "tall" gene.  Also this week, Ezra went back to waking up a few times during the night.

17 weeks

Ezra completed his appointment at the US Consulate in Calgary, and applied for his first passport, which will establish his US citizenship.  So the little guy is besting Mommy and will soon tout both Canadian and American citizenship.  He also traveled with us to Canmore for a few days for the annual general business meetings and conference for the Church of God, and did amazing.  Which minimal naps especially the first day, Ezra was cheerful and pleasant and got a good share of holding by others during his time in Canmore.  Ezra continues to work on rolling, often when put down on his back he goes right to work swinging his legs over to the side lie in this position, and then will most often begin the struggle to get to his tummy.  He has shown some irritation and grumpiness when he can't quite yet get where he knows he wants to, on his own.  On an amusing note, Ezra is moving all around his crib at night and I have no idea how I will find him at any given time.  The sides of the crib have given him leverage to move about much easier by walking his feet around! We also started putting him in 9 month clothing and they fit like a dream.  So thankful for the hand-me-downs given by another family in the church.

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